viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

  1. I observed sth that is related to centrality of family: my mother took off work 'cause her mother had an accident so she went to the hospital to see her and take care of her.
  2. I also observed sth related to external control and it happened when I was going to San Jose: It was that a man crashed with another car and he just admitted that it was his fault and he couldn't do nothing and i think sth that not everybody does and i think it is very important.
  1. I observed sth in my family that many families do here in C.R that is that we often eat "pinto" for breakfast and it's sth that people don't do in other countries.
  2. I also observed sth that is also in my family: we like to spend time time together in Christmas and in Sundays and it is sth costarican people do.
I think that many of these things I wrote are very important and people should do it, like spending time with your family 'cause it is interesting and it is sth that I actually like to do
And this is all for today. Ciao

viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

Behavior linked to Cultural Value

This is something I see in the bus everyday and think it's related to the value of "Respect for Age", that is when you respect and help others because of the age of that person.
Well what I observed was that when elder people are going to get in the bus they just show their ID and that's it, they don't have to pay anything. And also I saw a man surrendering a seat to an old woman.