viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

Lie to me

Well I''m going to talk 'bout "Lie to me" that is a TV show where there's a man, who is a detective, and he can read your face or expressions, they call it "micro-expressions", so they if you're lying or if you're telling the truth.
I chose this one 'cause it's my favourite TV show, and it is very interesting and very useful.
There's an episode in which a criminal set a bomb in church and he knew where the bomb was just by asking 4 questions.
The team is called: "the Lightman Group" and its members are: Dr. Cal Lightman, Dr. Gillian Foster, Eli Loker, Ria Torres.
Here's a link where there's more info 'bout it.:

3 comentarios:

  1. I have never heard about that program, Which channel transmit it?

  2. I'd not heard of it, either, but I don't know about many TV shows. Still, it sounds interesting.

    @Sharon - You'd probably say "What channel is it on?"

    Thanks to you both, and see you tomorrow,

  3. I do have heard about this program, but I haven't watch it yet, I think it's on FOX
